Comparison of the effectiveness of red rice syrup (oriza nivara) and acacia honey (acacia carpa) on lipid profiles in white rats (rattus norvegicus) and histopathological features of the liver induced by alloxan
Alloxan, Acacia Honey, Brown Rice Syrup, Histopathological Features of the Liver, Lipid Profiles, White RatsAbstract
Background: Rice is a staple food for almost all people across the Asian continent and contributes more than 22% of the world's energy intake. For Asian countries, rice is a primary staple food. Most of the food produced in rural Indonesia is a source of carbohydrates, such as corn, rice, and tubers. Indonesia as a tropical country is home to various types of plants with diverse nectar-producing potential. Various types of nectar from various plants have different nutritional content. Honey is an important natural product that has been used since ancient times for various medicinal purposes. In addition to its important role in traditional medicine, scientists also recognize honey as an effective new medicine for various diseases.
Purpose: To compare the effectiveness of brown rice syrup (Oryza Nivara) and Acacia honey (Acacia Carpa) on lipid profiles in white rice (Rattus Norvegicus) and histopathological characteristics of the liver induced by alloxan.
Method: This type of research is a true experiment with a post-test only design in the control group and the intervention group. Animal care and handling were carried out at the Laboratory of the Faculty of Pharmacy, University of North Sumatra in March-June 2024. The samples used in this study were healthy male Wistar rats weighing 150-250 grams aged 8-12 weeks. The independent variables studied were brown rice syrup and acacia honey, while the dependent variable was the histopathological picture of the liver of male Wistar rats induced by alloxan.
Results: One-way ANOVA statistical test on days 0, 14, and 28 showed a p value <0.05. This shows that the brown rice syrup extract is effective against triglyceride levels. While acacia honey shows a p value > 0.05. This shows that acacia honey extract is not effective against Mandja Roenigk.
Conclusion: There is effectiveness of brown rice syrup extract on carbohydrates in Wistar rats induced with alloxan. However, there is no effectiveness of acacia honey extract on carbohydrates in Wistar rats induced with alloxan.
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