Body mass index (BMI) and genetic factors that predispose associated with the incidence of hypertension
Body Mass Index, Genetic, HypertensionAbstract
Background: Hypertension is a very dangerous non-communicable disease (NCD) (Silent Killer). Body mass index (BMI) is a measuring tool for monitoring adult nutritional status related to a person's body weight. Genetic is the science that studies the inheritance of traits (heredity) in organism.
Purpose: To determine the relationship between body mass index and genetic factors with hypertension.
Method: A cross sectional approach, specially focusing on a descriptive quantitative. Participants were selected using purposive sampling and the Slovin formula, resulting in 100 participants from Girang Community Health Center. Univariate statistical analysis was conducted, including a chi square and multiple logistic regression.
Results: Show a significance (p < 0.05) it means there is a relationship between body mass index and genetic with hypertension. The genetic variable that is most related to the incidence of hypertension is genetics with an odds ratio value of 3.441, meaning that respondents who have genetic hypertension have a 3.4 times chance of experiencing hypertension compared to respondents who do not have genetic hypertension. Meanwhile, the BMI variable has an odds ratio value of 1.903, meaning that respondents who have an abnormal BMI have a 1.9 times chance of experiencing hypertension compared to respondents who have a normal BMI.
Conclusion: There is a relationship between Body Mass Index (BMI) and genetic with the incidence of hypertension.
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