The effect of hypnotherapy on diabetic foot ulcer pain among patients with diabetes mellitus
Diabetic Foot Ulcer, Diabetes Mellitus, Hypnotherapy, PainAbstract
Background: Diabetes mellitus (DM) is a group of metabolic diseases characterized by hyperglycemia that occurs due to abnormalities in insulin secretion and insulin action. One of the complications of diabetes mellitus is problems with the feet which are usually called diabetic feet. Diabetic feet that are not properly cared for will easily become injured and will quickly develop into foot ulcers. People who suffer from diabetes mellitus are at higher risk of experiencing foot problems due to reduced local pain sensation (neuropathy), which makes sufferers unaware of and often ignore the injuries that occur. One of the primary prevention efforts in the management of diabetic feet has the aim of preventing foot injuries early, to avoid further damage and prevent ulcers from forming which could result in amputation.
Purpose: To determine the effect of hypnotherapy on diabetic foot ulcer pain among patients with diabetes mellitus.
Method: This research method is an analytical survey with one group pretest – posttest design. The sample for this research was 16 diabetic ulcer patients using a total sampling technique for. Data was obtained by distributing questionnaires. Univariate and bivariate data analysis using the t test.
Results: The results of the mean difference test obtained a p value of 0.000 or p<0.05 which can be interpreted as significant. These results indicate that providing hypnotherapy can have an effect on reducing pain in diabetic ulcer sufferers in wound care clinics.
Conclusion: results of the Giving hypnotherapy can have an effect on reducing pain in diabetic ulcer sufferers in wound care clinics.
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