Ergonomics Exercises on blood pressure control among hypertensive patients
Blood Pressure, Ergonomics Exercise, HypertensionAbstract
Background: Hypertension affects more than 31% of the adult population globally, data released by Cardiovascular Diseases (CDVs) hypertension is one of the largest contributors to cardiovascular disease. Untreated hypertension can increase the risk of heart disease, kidney failure, and stroke. The spread of hypertension will continue to grow strongly and it is predicted that in 2025 as many as 29% or around 1.15 billion individuals will suffer from hypertension. Deaths due to hypertension and its complications are estimated to reach 9.4 million people each year.
Purpose: To determine the effect of ergonomics exercises on blood pressure control among hypertensive patients.
Method: This study used a quasi-experimental pre-post test with group control design on the education of providing ergonomic exercise for controlling blood pressure in hypertensive patients or called Ce'Esi (prevent hypertension), divided into two groups, namely the intervention group and the control group. This study was conducted on all hypertensive patients who were treated at health centers in three cities in Indonesia, namely Cianjur Health Center, Permata Sukarame Health Center Bandar Lampung, and Tamanlanrea Health Center Makassar, which was carried out in March-July 2024. Data analysis used univariate and bivariate statistical tests Paired t-test and Independent t-test.
Results: There were significant differences in the intervention group, namely health status scores, knowledge, compliance, and diastolic pressure (p-value 0.000), while systolic pressure (p-value 0.003). in the control group, no significant differences were found in all variables. This shows that hypertension management education interventions and ergonomics exercises can improve the health status of hypertensive patients, knowledge, compliance, and lower diastolic blood pressure.
Conclusion: Health education and ergonomics exercise using videos in preventing hypertension can improve knowledge, compliance, health status, and lower blood pressure in hypertension sufferers.
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