Microbiological analysis of well water quality in Gempol Village-Klaten Regency, Indonesia
Coliform, E. Coli, Well WaterAbstract
Background: Water quality refers to the condition of water assessed based on certain parameters as defined by drinking water and sanitation regulations. Poor water quality can impact human health, leading to issues such as recurring diarrhea and a loss of essential nutrients like zinc. In Gempol Village, where most residents rely on wells for their daily water needs, good environmental sanitation is essential for public health, as it can reduce health risks such as worm infections and malnutrition, especially in children.
Purpose: To assess well water quality in Gempol Village, Karanganom District, Klaten Regency by testing for microbial contaminants.
Method: Employing a descriptive design with a qualitative approach, the study was conducted in February 2024 in Gempol Village, located in Karanganom Subdistrict, Klaten Regency. It focused on 12 wells within the village as its population. A 100 ml water sample was obtained from each well using sterile bottles through purposive sampling. Data collection involved using an observation sheet to measure the distance between wells and septic tanks, document the family members' health history, and determine the wells' role as a drinking water source. Microbiological analysis was performed to assess E. coli contamination and total Coliform levels. According to bacteriological standards, acceptable E. coli levels in water are 0/100 ml, while total Coliform levels should remain below 50/100 ml.
Results: Only four sources of clean water were not contaminated with E. coli and another five water source exceeded the permissible level. The construction of the well and its distance from the source of pollution have a significant effect on the number of Coliform bacteria in the tested water samples.
Conclusion: The microbiological quality of well water in Gempol Village shows that only three water points meet the safety threshold as outlined in the Indonesian Ministry of Health Regulation 32/2017. The design of septic tank construction and the distance between wells and pollution sources affect the total bacterial contamination in well water.
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