Factors influencing nurses' report compliance unexpected findings in Kediri District Hospital
Multiple Linear Regression, Nurse Compliance, Reporting, Unexpected FindingsAbstract
Background: As a service provider in the health sector, a hospital is a very complex place with various kinds of drugs, tests and procedures, tools and technology, as well as various professions that provide services to patients 24 hours a day continuously. If the diversity and routine of services is not managed well, it can lead to unexpected events that threaten patient safety. At the Kediri district hospital Based on data from the recapitulation of K3 incidents by the K3 Committee for the period August 2020-July 2023, there were 14 cases of incidents/KTD from 466 health workers and 7 cases of needle stick injuries.
Purpose: To analyze factors influencing nurses' report compliance unexpected findings in Kediri District hospital.
Method: Descriptive analytical with cross-sectional design. The time and place of the research was carried out in May 2024 at the Kediri District Hospital. The sampling technique uses simple random sampling. The research population was all Kediri District Hospital nurses who had worked > 1 year totaling 355 respondents. The research sample was 189 nurses using the Slovin formula.
Results: Data was analyzed using multiple linear regression. The factors of referential power and coercion have a positive and significant influence, while the factors of information, rewards, expertise and legitimate authority have no influence on reporting undesirable events. These factors are able to explain the value of reporting undesirable events of 34.5% and the remaining 65.5% is explained by other variables not discussed in this study.
Conclusion: Of the six factors studied, the referential power and coercion factors have an influence on increasing nursing compliance in reporting unwanted events.
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