Effects of nesting and murottal Al-Qur’an on vital sign change in infants with low birth weight
Infants, Low Birth Weight (LBW), Murrotal Al-Qur'an, Nesting, Vital SignsAbstract
Background: A comfortable position, touch, soothing sound sensory will produce a neuroligic response that will make the infant feel relaxed, calm and can help in the stability of physiological functions of infants with low birth weight.
Purpose: To determine effectiveness of nesting and murottal Al-Qur'an on vital sign change in infants with low birth weight
Method: Samples were divided into two groups infants with low birth weight in stable conditions, 15 infants with low birth weight were listened to the murottal Qur'an by using meli's nesting for 45 minutes daily for 3 days, the murottal Qur'an was listened to with a noise level of 50-65dB. 15 infants of control group have not any intervention, the measurements of vital signs were carried out toward control and intervention group before and after the intervention.
Results: Analysis of wilcoxon test showed that significance in vital signs only occurred in changes in oxygen saturation with a value of α = 0.006 (significance of α < 0.05), the heart rate, respiratory rate, and body temperature experienced changes in numbers which all led to normal values of the physiological condition of infants with low birth weight.
Conclusion: The use of meli's nesting and murottal Qur'an is combined therapy to newborns which is able to improve the physiological function of low birth weight infants seen through their vital signs.
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