Knowledge and practicing behavior related to personal hygiene among mobile street food vendors around schools in Kartasura
Knowledge, Personal Hygiene, TradersAbstract
Background: Elementary school is a level of education that consists of 6 levels and is one of the mandatory education programs for Indonesian society. If during the teaching and learning process, illness occurs due to infectious diseases or food poisoning, this can cause learning achievement to drop. This research was conducted at Kartasura District Elementary Schools, which consists of 48 elementary schools, both private and public. The total population of traders in Kartasura District Elementary Schools is 71 traders. The snacks sold around elementary schools contain food additives, so it is necessary to conduct research related to knowledge and personal hygiene behavior when selling their wares to better ensure food quality and maintain cleanliness to avoid various diseases.
Purpose: To determine the relationship between knowledge and personal hygiene behavior of food traders.
Method: This research was conducted quantitatively with a cross-sectional research design to determine the relationship between knowledge and behavior related to personal hygiene among mobile street food vendors around elementary schools in Kartasura sub-district. The variables in this research consist of the independent variable, knowledge and the dependent variable, personal hygiene behavior. Data collection was carried out by interviews using questionnaires and research sheets with a total of 69 respondents as mobile street food vendors around elementary schools which was carried out in February 2024 with the number of schools where research was conducted, namely 25 elementary schools.
Results: Based on the Chi-square statistical test with a value of p = 0.000 or (p < 0.05) it can be concluded that H0 is rejected so that there is a relationship between knowledge and personal hygiene behavior of mobile street food vendors around elementary schools.
Conclusion: The level of knowledge of some traders is classified as poor. The implementation of personal hygiene behavior for some traders is classified as poor. There is a relationship between knowledge and personal hygiene behavior of food traders.
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