Relaxation therapy with guided imagery for pain intensity and pain interference in patients with lung cancer: A case study


  • Miftah Nur Affandi Fakultas Ilmu Kesehatan Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta
  • Fahrun Nur Rosyid Fakultas Ilmu Kesehatan, Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta



Guide Imagery, Lung Cancer, Pain, Relaxation Therapy


Background: Lung cancer is a malignant tumor originating from the bronchial epithelium or bronchial carcinoma which includes malignancy from the lungs themselves (primary) and malignancy from outside the lungs (metastasis) caused by several factors such as exposure or inhalation of a carcinogenic substance such as cigarettes over a long period of time. One of the clinical symptoms felt by lung cancer patients is chest pain with 50-70% of cancer patients experiencing pain dominated by neuropathic, psychological, social and spiritual pain, associated with nociceptive pain that is felt continuously so that it can reduce quality of life, physical function, increase fatigue levels, and interfere with daily activities. Efforts to reduce pain in lung cancer patients require appropriate, efficient and economical interventions, so that they can improve the patient's quality of life. One of the non-pharmacological nursing interventions that can be applied to lung cancer patients is guided imagery.

Purpose: To prove the relaxation therapy with guided imagery for pain intensity and pain interference in patients with lung cancer.

Method: The case report study used a nursing care approach by implementing evidence-based nursing practices in 5 lung cancer patients treated in the Flamboyan ward Dr. Moewardi Hospital. The instrument used in this nursing care report is a numeric scale to measure the intensity of patient pain with an interval of 0-10. A value of 0 indicates no pain, while 1-3 indicates mild pain, 4-6 indicates moderate pain and 7-10 indicates severe pain.

Results: There was a significant change in the patient's pain scale after relaxation therapy with guided imagery for pain intensity and pain interference.

Conclusion: Relaxation therapy with guided imagery can help reduce pain in lung cancer patients. In addition, it is considered a more efficient and economical therapeutic nursing intervention and does not cause complications.

Suggestion: It is hoped that further researchers can apply it to other medical diagnoses to determine whether guided imagery has the same benefits or not in reducing pain felt by patients other than a medical diagnosis of lung cancer.


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How to Cite

Affandi, M. N., & Rosyid, F. N. (2024). Relaxation therapy with guided imagery for pain intensity and pain interference in patients with lung cancer: A case study. Malahayati International Journal of Nursing and Health Science, 7(7), 801–806.