Effect of green tea consumption among patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus at the community health center


  • Ade Tika Herawati Universitas Bhakti Kencana
  • Vina Vitniawati Universitas Bhakti Kencana




Blood Sugar Level, Diabetes Mellitus, Green Tea


Background: Elevated blood glucose levels are a primary symptom observed in patients with diabetes mellitus (DM). Patients with DM employ various strategies to lower their blood sugar levels. One such strategy is the consumption of green tea. Green tea contains various scientifically proven compounds to reduce blood sugar levels, such as Epigallocatechin Gallate (EGCG), caffeine, riboflavin, catechins, and theaflavins,

Purpose: To investigate the reduction in blood sugar levels in patients with DM before and after consuming green tea and to determine whether green tea intake has an impact on patients' blood sugar levels.

Method: This study utilized a quasi-experimental one-group pre-post design. The population of this study comprised 115 DM patients in Panyileukan Community Health Center, selected using purposive sampling techniques based on the inclusion criteria of active participation in the Diabetes Mellitus Control Program and absence of complicating diseases. Ultimately, 33 patients committed to participating in the study.

Results: The average blood glucose level before the intervention was 193.52 mg/dl, which decreased to 151.03 mg/dl after the intervention. This indicates that the consumption of green tea has a significant effect on reducing blood sugar levels. The reduction in blood sugar levels varied among participants, depending on individual body responses and the consumption of other unmonitored foods during the study.

Conclusion: The flavonoid content, along with caffeine and riboflavin, in green tea has a significant impact on reducing blood sugar levels in patients with DM.



How to Cite

Herawati, A. T., & Vitniawati, V. (2024). Effect of green tea consumption among patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus at the community health center. Malahayati International Journal of Nursing and Health Science, 7(2), 137–141. https://doi.org/10.33024/minh.v7i2.248