Author Guidelines

  1. Manuscript accepted is written in standard English Language or Indonesian language.
  2. The length of the manuscript is approximately 15 pages (or approximately 7000 words), written in Arial Narrow, font size 11, A4 paper format, margins: top 3; left 3; right 2; bottom 2, one column (figure or table whose size cannot be reduced due to its readability), justified, single-spaced. 
  3. Manuscript comprises five main headings: Pendahuluan (Introduction); Metode (Method); Hasil dan Pembahasan (Findings and Discussion); Simpulan (Conclusions); Daftar Pustaka (References).
  4. Authors’ names are written below the title, followed by authors’ affiliation (name of the affiliation, address, postal code, and country) and e-mail address.
  5. The abstract is written in two languages: Indonesian and English or only in English if the full text is written in English, as a representation of the manuscript. The abstract should not exceed 200 words for each language format, written narratively comprising aims/objectives, method, and findings of the research/article, in one paragraph.
  6. Keywords: words or phrases that are important, specific, or representative of the article.
  7. APA style is used as a reference in the citation, references, and writing format.
  8. Use of a tool such as Zotero, Mendeley, or EndNote for reference management and formatting, and choose APA (American Psychology Association) style.
  9. The manuscript should be written in the following TEMPLATE.
  10. The manuscript must be in Microsoft Word (.doc/ .docx or .rtf), and sent to the journal system via online submission by creating an account in this Open Journal System [click REGISTER if you have not had any account yet, or click LOG IN if you have already had an account].
  11. All Author(s)' names and identity (es) must be completely embedded in the form filled in by the corresponding author: email; affiliation; ORCID iD; and Bio Statement (author's short biography is related to research track records such as profile link of google scholar accounts, SINTA ID, SCOPUS ID, etc).
          [if the manuscript is written by two or more authors, please click
          'Add Author' in the 3rd step of 'ENTER METADATA' in the submission
          process and then enter each author's data.]
  1. All correspondences, information, and decisions for the submitted manuscripts are conducted through email was written in the manuscript and/or the emails used for the submission. The status of the manuscript can be checked in the OJS by logging into the journal.

Submission Procedure

The submission to HJK is made online at Users need to register when accessing the system for the first time. Detailed instructions and help files available online, if you have trouble, users can call a contact listed on or e-mail to or HJK will follow up the manuscript that has been filed with precast posted on the server. The manuscript will undergo a review by a peer-review, are as strict as manuscripts posted on a precast server. Before submitting, make sure your manuscript has been formatted according to the template.

Type of Manuscripts

  • Articles Research/ Research Article
  • Research reports are of interest to the scientific community in the field of health will be published as a research article. A manuscript has a well-described hypothesis, and measurable results and has not been previously explored.
  • Review/reviews

Community scientists in the field of health can issue a review. The review contains the latest review of the science of nursing, midwifery, environmental health, health analysts, public health and science technology. In addition, a review is published as a guide for instructors in the field of health. Authors are encouraged to elaborate on the background and history of previous research and quote-review previously published reviews. Generally, the description in the review contains the latest information (last few years).
A comprehensive review and comment will be published as "Critical Reviews". Critical reviews are intended to discuss the literature that has been published, it is not intended to present a new review, reanalysis of data or further analysis. Holistik Jurnal Kesehatan will review the appropriate review as research articles. Critical reviews can be initiated by the Editor-in-Chief or the author. To review initiated by the author, before writing a review, the authors suggested outline handed to the review's editor, so that it complies with Holistik Jurnal Kesehatan. The scope of review can be determined prior to submission. This article is generally limited to five printed pages.

Manuscript Preparation

Holistik Jurnal Kesehatan is limited to the number of pages that can be published, and the length of the article into consideration in the editorial process. A manuscript is recommended no more than 6000 words (from the introduction to the discussion. The number of words does not include the title, abstract, acknowledgments, references, captions or table. Authors are encouraged to explain clearly and concisely. Manuscript certainly one space, not recommended page break (continuous file). The manuscripts are not in accordance with the terms may be returned to the author.

Manuscript submitted contain Title (Judul), Abstract (Abstrak), Introduction (Pendahuluan), Methods (Metode), Results and Discussion (Hasil dan Pembahasan), Conclusions and Recommendations (Simpulan dan Saran), Bibliography (Daftar Pustaka).


The title is structured as a declarative statement and focuses on the results presented in the manuscript (Written in Arial Narrow, font size 13, centered, single-spaced. Punctuation "semicolon (;)" not recommended. The names of all authors without a degree (first name, middle name, last name) is clearly explained, and the address of departments and institutions. All the author's last name must be exactly as it should appear on Google Scholar. Please consider this carefully, especially for writers with names that include hyphens and prefix. Holistik Jurnal Kesehatan will not replace the file to correct the name of the author after publishing.


The Abstract was prepared correctly and informatively in order to facilitate the process of review by the journal's editor. Abstract background containing the results and conclusions of the methods described clearly and concisely. The background explains the context of the research, the exact purpose, specific hypotheses to be tested. The method describes the study design, the identification of specific methods and procedures. The results showed that the most important results of the study, including the main data and the statistical analysis. The main conclusion in the form summary of the results of research (avoid generalization). Below the abstract, provide and identify keywords or short phrases, including a group of subjects, which will improve the ability to find the manuscript, should not be used adjectives. Please note that during delivery of the manuscript, the author will be asked to provide keywords to assist editors in determining the reviewers appropriate for manuscripts. Keywords for search reviewer is the most fundamental word in the manuscript and may differ from the keyword list for publication.


Explain clearly the background research conducted and its specific objectives, should not be a thorough review of the literature. State the specific purpose or hypothesis of this study.


The method describes the study design, materials, and equipment, with a model number or a catalog, if necessary. Explain kit, analysis, and commercial laboratories are used. Quote the reference of the methods listed if possible and give a brief explanation if the modification. Research using humans and animals as objects. The study report must include a statement that the protocol was approved by an ethics committee. Documents can be uploaded as a statement of additional files. Objects such as animal research are necessary to explain how the animals are removed, control and treatment groups or probands experimental animals. Information on age, weight, sex, race, described for the human object, and a description of sex or strain to the experimental animals, include suppliers of experimental animals.

The method also describes the statistical tests used and the degree of probability (p) indicated where differences were considered significant. If the data presented in the text, indicate what they represent (ie., Mean ± SEM). Indicate whether the data is transformed prior to analysis. Define statistical computer program that is used. The results of the analysis are shown in the data tables and figures. Letters and symbols to show a significant difference, and footnotes tables and figures. Provide statistical variability according to the estimated error variance (SD or SEM) of the mean of the group. Standard ANOVA methodology assumes homogeneous variance. If the error variance tested and found heterogeneous, change the data before ANOVA, or use nonparametric tests. For a discussion of the calculation of the variability and procedures arch curves. If the reported P values are not significant, use only 2 digits past the decimal (for example, P = 0.15). Serve significant P values up to a maximum of 4 decimal places (for example, P<0.0001); Useless acceptable. The coefficient is now a maximum of 2 decimals (eg. R = 0.87, R2 = 0.16, ff.).


The results are described without repeating the methodology, introduction, or content of the discussion. Duplication of data from tables or figures in the text is avoided.

Results using the unit, it is necessary to metric units (eg, meters, kilograms, and L for height, weight, and volume), such as Celsius (° C). For data reporting, the use of SI units (le System Internationale d'Unites) (17) is preferred (ie., Mmol / L, g / L), but not mandatory. Conventional units such as mg / dL mg / mL can be accepted, using L, instead of l, for a liter. The units for the analyses/compounds are equally consistent throughout the manuscript. Instinctively puts a replacement unit in the text or gives a conversion factor in a footnote in a table or legend acceptable image. The unit should not be pluralized (ie., Wk and not wks) or followed by a period.

A useful site is:

SI conversions:

Conversion clinical SI:

While the figures presented to a variable must be properly and consistently. Use no more than three significant figures (less, if appropriate) or justification for higher accuracy.

Tables or figures, adapted or quoted from another source must include the source in a footnote in a table or legend images. Each table should have a clear title but concise. Information about the method or material explanations can be included in a footnote to the table, but the repetition of the methodology should be minimized. Clearly indicate the unit of measure after the variables in line, above the first value in each column, or centered on all columns of the units where applicable. Statistics show variability (ie., SD, combined SEM) and the significance of the difference between data. Eliminate internal horizontal and vertical rules before submitting your table.


The discussion explains the importance of the findings, and the literature related to putting them into context. The explanation of the discussion should be clear and concise.


The main conclusion is the result of the research (avoid generalization), refer to the description in the discussion, and answer the research objectives. The conclusions are described in the form of points or narrative, logical and precise.


Technical assistance and advice can be described at the end of the text. Then the names of individuals that are included in this section, the author is responsible for the written consent of every person who communicates personally or recognized by the individual in the text.


References is written in accordance with APA rules, and references are written in alphabetical order. Minimum referral number 50% taken from the journal. Year published 80% reference minimal from last 10 years. Avoid referral in the form of personal communication (personal communication).

Use of a tool such as Zotero, Mendeley, or EndNote for reference management and formatting, and choose APA (American Psychology Association) style.


1. Journal articles with a direct object identifier (DOI)

Journal with DOI with 1 author

Houlston, R. S. (2008). Pseudoautosomal linkage in chronic lymphocytic leukemia. British Journal of Haematology, 109(4), 899–900. doi: 10.1046/j.1365-2141.2000.109004899.x

Journals with DOI with 2-7 authors (write all authors)

Author 1, Author 2, Author 3. (Publish year). The title of the article. Name Journal. Volume: page.

Journal with DOI with 8 or more authors (write the first 6 authors, ... and last author)

Gilbert, D. G., McClernon, J. F., Rabinovich, N. E., Sugai, C., Plath, L. C., Asgaard, G., ... Botros, N. (2004). Effects of quitting smoking on EEG activation and attention last for more than 31 days and are more severe with stress, dependence, DRD2 A 1 allele, and depressive traits. Nicotine and Tobacco Research, 6, 249-267. doi:1 0.1 080/1462220041 0001676305

2. Journals without DOI

Journal without DOI with 1 author

Wiliams, J. H. (2008). Employee engagement: Improving participation in safety. Professional Safety, 53(12), 40 – 45.

Journal without DOI with 2-7 authors (write all authors)

Keller, T. E., Cusick, G. R., & Courtney, M. E. (2007). Approaching the transition to adulthood: Distinctive profiles of adolescents aging out of the child welfare system. Social Service Review, 81, 453-484.

Journal without DOI with 8 or more authors (write the first 6 authors, ... and last author)

Wolchik, S. A., West, S. G., Sandler, I. N., Tein, J. Y., Coatsworth, D., Lengua, L., … Griffin, W. A. (2000). An experimental evaluation of theory-based mother and mother-child programs for children of divorce. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 68, 843 – 856.


Author 1, Author 2. (Year of published). Book title. Place of publication: Name of publisher. 

Johnson, L., Lewis, K., Peters, M., Harris, Y., Moreton, G., Morgan, B., et. al. (2005). How far is far? London: McMillan.

Chapter In Book

Author 1, Author 2. (Year of published). Chapter Titles: Sub Title. In: Name of editor (eds). Book Title. Page. Place of publication: Publisher Name.

Cone, J. D. (1999). Observational assessment: Measure development and research issues. In P. C. Kendall, J. N. Butcher, & G. N. Holmbeck (Eds.), Handbook of research methods in clinical psychology (p. 183-223). New York: Wiley.

Thesis or Dissertation

author name. (Year). Title. [Thesis/Dissertation]. Places University: Name University.

Rimawati, A. B. (2010). Model teoretik prasangka sosial. (Disertasi tidak dipublikasikan). Fakultas Psikologi Universitas Gadjah Mada, Yogyakarta.


Mathews, J., Berret, D., & Brillman, D. (2005, May 16). Other winning equation. Newsweek, 145(20), 58 – 59.

Proceedings of the Conference

Bosch, O. J., & Neumann, I. D. (2008). Brain vasopressinis an important regulator of maternal behavior independent of dams' trait anxiety. Proceedings Of The National Academy Of Sciences Of The United States Of America, 105(44), 17139-17144.

Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.

  1. As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  2. The submission has not been previously published, nor is it before another journal for consideration (or an explanation has been provided in Comments to the Editor).
  3. The submission file is in Microsoft Word or RTF document file format.
  4. Where available, URLs for the references have been provided.
  5. The text is single-spaced; uses a 12-point font; TNR; employs italics, rather than underlining (except with URL addresses); and all illustrations, figures, and tables are placed within the text at the appropriate points, rather than at the end.
  6. The text adheres to the stylistic and bibliographic requirements outlined in the Author Guidelines, which is found in About the Journal.
  7. If submitting to a peer-reviewed section of the journal, the instructions in Ensuring a Blind Review have been followed