The influence of mindfetalness on fetal movement awareness and maternal-fetal attachment
Gerak Janin, Kehamilan, Mindfetalnes, Maternal Fetal AttachmentAbstract
Background: Fetal movement (quickening) is a key indicator of fetal health. The impact of fetal movement being reduced or absent can be associated with an increase in high-risk pregnancies such as premature birth, low birth weight (LBW), and stillbirth. Feeling fetal movement during pregnancy can help the mother have a strong bond with the fetus, and fetal movement can positively affect maternal-fetal attachment. One way to increase awareness of fetal movement and maternal-fetal attachment is with the mindfetalness method.
Purpose: To determine the effect of mindfetalness on fetal motion awareness and maternal-fetal attachment.
Method: Quantitative research with a pre-experimental one group pretest and post-test approach, conducted in November 2022 - June 2023 at the Kaliabang Tengah Health Center Regional Technical Implementation Unit. The sampling technique used purposive sampling and the Slovin formula, the number of samples used was 45 participants. The independent variable in this study was mindfetalness, while the dependent variables were fetal movement and maternal fetal attachment. Univariate and bivariate data analysis of statistical tests used the paired t-test.
Results: Before intervention (pre-test) fetal movement was categorized as high, namely 37 (82.2%), becoming 45 (100%) in the post-test. Before intervention (pre-test) maternal-fetal attachment was categorized as low, namely 5 (11.1%), becoming 2 (4.44%) in the post-test, while before intervention (pre-test) maternal-fetal attachment was categorized as high, namely 40 (88.9%) becoming 43 (95.6%) in the post-test. The p-value of mindfetalness on fetal movement awareness was 0.004, while mindfetalness had no effect on maternal-fetal attachment (p-value = 0.183).
Conclusion: There is an effect of mindfetalness on fetal motion awareness and no effect of mindfetalness on maternal-fetal attachment.
Keywords: Fetal movement; Mindfetalnes; Maternal Fetal Attachment; Pregnancy.
Pendahuluan: Gerakan janin (quickening) merupakan indikator utama kesehatan janin. Dampak dari pergerakan janin yang berkurang atau tidak adanya pergerakan dapat dikaitkan dengan peningkatan risiko tinggi kehamilan seperti kelahiran prematur, berat badan lahir rendah (BBLR), hingga lahir mati (stillbirth). Merasakan gerakan janin pada masa kehamilan dapat membantu ibu memiliki ikatan yang kuat dengan janin dan secara positif gerakan janin dapat memengaruhi maternal-fetal attachment. Salah satu cara untuk meningkatkan kesadaran gerak janin dan maternal-fetal attachment yaitu dengan metode mindfetalness.
Tujuan: Untuk mengetahui pengaruh mindfetalness terhadap kesadaran gerak janin dan maternal-fetal attachment.
Metode: Penelitian kuantitatif menggunakan pendekatan pre-eksperimental one group pre-test and post-test, dilaksanakan pada bulan November 2022 - Juni 2023 di UPTD Puskesmas Kaliabang Tengah. Teknik pengambilan sampel menggunakan purposive sampling dan rumus slovin, jumlah sampel yang digunakan sebanyak 45 partisipan. Variabel independen dalam penelitian ini adalah mindfetalness, sedangkan variabel dependen adalah gerak janin dan maternal fetal attachment. Analisis data univariat dan bivariat uji statistik menggunakan uji paired t-test.
Hasil: Sebelum dilakukan intervensi (pre-test) gerak janin terkategori tinggi sebesar 37 (82.2%), menjadi 45 (100%) pada post-test. Sebelum dilakukan intervensi (pre-test) maternal-fetal attachment terkategori rendah sebanyak 5 (11.1%), menjadi 2 (4.44%) pada post-test, sedangkan sebelum dilakukan intervensi (pre-test) maternal-fetal attachment kategori tinggi sebanyak 40 (88.9%) menjadi 43 (95.6%) pada post-test. P-value mindfetalness terhadap kesadaran gerak janin 0.004, sedangkan tidak ada pengaruh mindfetalness terhadap maternal-fetal attachment (p value = 0.183).
Simpulan: Terdapat pengaruh mindfetalness terhadap kesadaran gerak janin dan tidak ada pengaruh mindfetalness terhadap maternal-fetal attachment.
Kata Kunci: Gerak Janin; Kehamilan; Mindfetalnes; Maternal Fetal Attachment.
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