Efektivitas pemberian aromaterapi lavender terhadap penurunan emesis gravidarum pada ibu hamil trimester I
Aromaterapi, Emesis Gravidarum, Ibu Hamil, LavenderAbstract
Background: Symptoms of nausea and vomiting that occur in early pregnancy are known as emesis gravidarum. Pharmacological treatment of nausea and vomiting can be done by administering drugs such as antihistamines, antiemetic corticosteroids and anticholinergics. Apart from that, efforts to reduce nausea and vomiting can also be done by using non-pharmacological treatment in the form of lavender aromatherapy to reduce emesis gravidarum in first trimester pregnant women. Lavender aromatherapy has an impact on brain function, this is because the hypothalamus is directly connected to the olfactory nerve which is activated by the aroma.
Purpose: To determine the effect of giving lavender aromatherapy on reducing emesis gravidarum in first trimester pregnant women.
Methods: Quantitative research uses a pre-experiment design with a one group pretest-posttest approach. The research was carried out in March-June 2023 at the Sentolo II Kulon Progo Community Health Center. A total of 16 pregnant women in the first trimester were participants in this research. Sample selection used purposive sampling technique. The emesis gravidarum variable was measured using the Pregnancy Unique Quantification of Emesis and Nausea (PUQE-24). Data collection tools use questionnaires and observation sheets. Univariate and bivariate data analysis using Wilcoxon.
Results: The average emesis gravidarum score of pregnant women before the lavender aromatherapy intervention was 10.25 and after the intervention it was 7.75. Before administering lavender aromatherapy, 5 participants (31.2%) had severe nausea and vomiting and 11 participants (68.8%) had moderate nausea and vomiting. After being given lavender aromatherapy, 9 participants (56.2%) had mild nausea and vomiting and 7 (43.7%) had moderate nausea and vomiting. The pre and post test p-value calculation results were obtained at 0.000 (<005)..
Conclusion: There is an effect of giving lavender aromatherapy on reducing emesis gravidarum in first trimester pregnant women.
Suggestion: First trimester pregnant women who experience complaints of emesis gravidarum should use lavender aromatherapy as an alternative non-pharmacological treatment to reduce emesis gravidarum. Community health centers can provide education on non-pharmacological alternative treatments such as lavender aromatherapy in reducing the level of emesis gravidarum to pregnant women in the first trimester..
Keywords: Aromatherapy; Emesis Gravidarum; Lavender; Pregnant Mother.
Pendahuluan: Gejala mual muntah yang terjadi pada awal kehamilan dikenal dengan emesis gravidarum. Penanganan mual dan muntah menggunakan farmakologis dapat dilakukan dengan pemberian obat-obatan seperti antihistamin, kortikosteroid antiemetik, dan antikolinergik. Selain itu, upaya mengurangi mual muntah ini juga dapat dilakukan dengan menggunakan pengobatan non farmakologi berupa aromaterapi lavender untuk mengurangi emesis gravidarum pada ibu hamil trimester I. Aromaterapi lavender berdampak pada fungsi otak, hal ini didasari karena hipotalamus terhubung langsung dengan saraf penciuman yang diaktifkan oleh aroma.
Tujuan: Untuk mengetahui pengaruh pemberian aromaterapi lavender terhadap penurunan emesis gravidarum pada ibu hamil trimester pertama.
Metode: Penelitian kuantitatif menggunakan desain pre-eksperimen dengan pendekatan one group pre-post-test. Penelitian dilaksanakan pada bulan maret-juni 2023 di Puskesmas sentolo II Kulon Progo. Sebanyak 16 ibu hamil trimester I menjadi partisipan dalam penelitian ini, pemilihan sampel menggunakan teknik purposive sampling. Variabel emesis gravidarum diukur menggunakan Pregnancy Unique Quantification Of Emesis and Nausea (PUQE-24). Alat pengumpulan data menggunakan kuesioner dan lembar observasi. Analisis data secara univariat dan bivariat menggunakan wilcoxon.
Hasil: Skor rata-rata emesis gravidarum ibu hamil sebelum intervensi aromaterapi lavender sebesar 10.25 dan setelah intervensi menjadi 7.75. Sebelum dilakukan intervensi aromaterapi lavender, partisipan yang memiliki tingkat mual muntah berat sebanyak 5 (31.2%) dan mual muntah sedang 11 partisipan (68.8%). Setelah diberikan aromaterapi lavender, partisipan yang memiliki tingkat mual muntah ringan menjadi 9 partisipan (56.2%) dan mual muntah sedang sebanyak 7 (43.7%). Hasil perhitungan p-value pre dan post test diperoleh sebesar 0.000 (<005).
Simpulan: Terdapat pengaruh pemberian aromaterapi lavender terhadap penurunan emesis gravidarum pada ibu hamil trimester I.
Saran: Ibu hamil trimester pertama yang mengalami keluhan emesis gravidarum, sebaiknya memakai aromaterapi lavender sebagai salah satu pengobatan alternatif non farmakologi untuk mengurangi emesis gravidarum. Puskesmas dapat memberikan edukasi pengobatan alternatif non farmakologi aromaterapi lavender dalam mengurangi tingkat emesis gravidarum pada ibu hamil trimester pertama.
Kata Kunci: Aromaterapi; Emesis Gravidarum; Ibu Hamil; Lavender.
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