Demographic factors associated with awareness of patient safety among nurses in a public hospital in Makassar, Indonesia
Healthcare Quality, Hospital Management, Length of Employment, Patient SafetyAbstract
Background: Despite being a global concern, patient safety remains a persistent challenge for Wahidin Sudirohusodo Hospital, evident in performance indicators like mortality rates, nosocomial infections, and hand hygiene practices. Numerous factors influence patient safety, including working hours, nurse awareness, and demographic characteristics.
Purpose: To investigate demographic factors associated with awareness of patient safety among nurses in a public hospital in Makassar, Indonesia.
Method: Cross-sectional analytical research, involving 291 nurses selected through simple random sampling from Wahidin Sudirohusodo Hospital Makassar, Indonesia. Nurses completed a questionnaire that included demographic data, patient safety awareness, and implementation. Analysis uses the smartPLS application which includes bivariate and multivariate logistic regression.
Results: Based on identification, it was found that total work hours for a single week (p=0.002) and nurses' awareness of patient safety (p=0.000) had a direct effect on implementation. Nurses who worked less than 40 hours per week showed twice the effectiveness, while nurses with high conscientiousness showed a fivefold increase in effectiveness. In contrast, age, education level, and years of service did not show a significant impact on implementation.
Conclusion: It highlights that beyond mere working hours, factors such as awareness towards patient safety, age, length of employment, and educational background significantly influence patient safety culture. While shorter total work hours for a single week and good patient safety awareness were found to increase patient safety culture; age, education levels, and length of employment demonstrated nuanced associations.
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